New «Pioneer Movement» or How the State wants to «Reach Every Child»

19 October 2023


In Russia, the «Movement of the Firsts», a Russian children and youth movement, has been in existence for two years. On July 14, 2022, Putin signed a decree to create this movement. Currently, the movement has 30,000 units with over a million children as members, and this year they plan to attract an additional 7 million people.

«There are a total of 18 million schoolchildren in Russia, and if we include students in secondary vocational education, there are potentially about 20 million young people. The ideal situation is that within 3-5 years, all children aged 6 to 18 become members of the movement» Grigory Gurov, the Chairman of the Board

Details about the movement, which is intended to encompass all schoolchildren in Russia, have been covered in an article by «Verstka.Media» titled «Dostich' kazhdogo rebёnka» (Reaching Every Child). The author, Ekaterina Krasotkina, spoke with schoolchildren, teachers, and employees of regional branches of the «Movement of the Firsts» to understand how the organization operates from within. You can read the article here.

It is concerning to witness how children are being deceived, and alongside seemingly harmless activities like ecological forums or museum visits, they are exposed to military propaganda and pseudo-patriotism.

On Father's Day, children write letters to soldiers at the front and create greeting cards. «Movement of the Firsts» activists make camouflage nets and helmet covers. They organize «Lessons of Courage» for schoolchildren, inviting men who have returned from war.

Children are practically coerced into joining this pro-government movement. Participants may be eligible for government-funded spots in Russian universities or additional points during university admissions, and they can also visit other regions for free. In essence, the state is effectively buying the loyalty of children, and they aim to attract everyone.