Children were forced to play the «Siege of Leningrad»

25 January


In the Altai Territory, in the children's library, fifth-graders from a local school were given a military-themed game «We Know and Remember This». First, the children were told about the history of besieged Leningrad, and then interactive competitions were organized for the children, dedicated to the events of the besieged city.

The children were divided into two teams: «Katyusha» and «Victory». During the game, schoolchildren competed to see who could best share a piece of bread and buy goods needed for the winter in a besieged city. Library staff emphasized that “all the tasks completely coincided with the historical truth,” which allowed the children to “plunge into the events of the war years.”

The siege of Leningrad lasted more than two years. 16,747 civilians were killed in shelling and bombing, and 632,253 died from starvation. Is this really a reason to play?